Telecommunication, mobility and banks. More and More industries feel the consequences of digital transformation. Young businesses with great ideas and simple structures gain additional market shares. As a consequence margins shrink and the big companies has to come up with something.
Many companies already reacted. Especially it deals with breaking through inflexible concern structures and protracted information processes. In that case two main corporate incubation approaches got established: captive incubators and external incubation programs. Both approaches can lead a business to success depending on the situation, budget and ambition.
A main discipline in many business is the construction of own incubators: special founder centers where chosen entrepreneurs work out specific business ideas. Therefore the concern offers financial support. An example is the hub:raum of the german Telekom or the main incubator of the Commerzbank. As a main aspect know-how should be shared, business portfolios developed and possibly exits with successful yield achieved. Not at least companies with own incubators seem to be particularly innovative and sustainable.
But also external incubation programs offer a successful perspective. The idea is that companies send own workers and special founders to develop product and business ideas to local established incubators. The company offers support with expertise and capital. Also for successful ideas the distribution channels of a company can be used.
An established incubator provides a running ecosystem for corporate startups. The founders can benefit from the dynamic and heterogeneity of available companies.No matter if it’s an own or an external incubator: not every idea will be a new business segment. Also in case of careful choice and great support just a few projects break through.
Beside an appropriate corporate incubation approach, companies need to care about some further aspects to be successful. Aspects like trust and patience and the designation of needed freedom to react and think also beyond the restrictions of a company. In case those aspects are given innovation is possible!
Since march we welcome representatives of different companies as references for the topic of corporate incubation.
Get to know further informations concerning our Coporate Incubation events here. We are very happy about the support of Advisory Boards. Further infomations concerning members? here.
On 19. März 2015 the Kick-Off-Event about Corporate Incubation took place. Find all informations concerning the lecture of Prof. Baltes here.