„We want to make a change and increase the medical quality provided by hospitals“: Accelerator Team Batch #19: 5/5 – CardioConform -

„We want to make a change and increase the medical quality provided by hospitals“: Accelerator Team Batch #19: 5/5 – CardioConform

10. Oktober 2019, 14:30 :: Accelerator | Community

Autor: Bianca Kuehn

Philipp and Martin knew that they wanted to start their own business latest since they supported founders in the healthcare environment at RWTH Aachen. With their startup CardioConform, the two founders fulfilled their dream and now aim at improving databases and analysis as well as transferring business analysis concepts to the medical world in order to make a change and improve the medical quality provided by hospitals.


What problem is your startup solving? Can you give an example?

„CardioConform provides analytics targeting three stakeholder groups in the medical care sector: patients, physicians, and MedTech companies.
To give an example: Cardiac patients benefit from many therapeutic options. CardioConform informs these patients on where to find which options in excellent quality.“

What is your educational background? Did you always see yourself starting your own business?

„Both of us studied business administration. After that, we spent some time in the consulting industry and entered RWTH Aachen University to complete a Ph.D. During that time, we were responsible for supporting university startups. There – at the latest – we developed the dream to start our own business and to experience this journey.“

What was your inspiration for your startup?

„When we learned about the healthcare industry, we perceived a strong need for a better data basis and more sophisticated analyses. Therefore, we developed the idea to transfer business intelligence concepts to the medical world.“

What was the first obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?

„It was challenging to understand cardiological procedures and heterogeneous processes in hospitals. We invested much time to “get into the system”, observe medical care processes, cardiological procedures, and hear about challenges from practitioners. We also spent much time researching previously unknown concepts.“

What is the next milestone for your startup?

„We are currently piloting our concept in several hospitals. We will soon support a larger research project with our concept and our software CardioLytix. After that, we intend to scale our business.“

What are some short term and especially long term goals of yours?

„In the short term, we would like to increase our programming capabilities to satisfy existing demands.
In the long term, we hope to make a real change: We would like to further increase the quality of medical care.“

If you could start over again, what would you do differently?

„We believe that you’ll find unexpectable obstacles on any entrepreneurial journey. Thus, if we had started differently with today’s hindsight knowledge, we might have faced other challenges that we don’t need to overcome today. It’s a long and winding road, no matter which decisions you make.“

Why did you choose STARTPLATZ Accelerator?

„STARTPLATZ Accelerator is an excellent place to meet new people, enjoy an inspiring environment, and interact with others to generate and validate ideas. You always find somebody who can help.“

What and who has helped you the most outside and inside STARTPLATZ to getting you on the road?

Arian: „We wouldn’t be here without our network of excellent, very helpful, and friendly physicians.“

If you could give another startup a tip, what would it be? Any words of advice?

„Don’t give up too early. Starting a business is hard work. It requires time and persistence.“


You also have a business idea with which you want to get started? Startups with scalable business models can apply for the Accelerator. The Jubilee Batch #20 is expected to start in March 2020. Here you’ll find all information about the STARTPLATZ Accelerator as well as the application form.


Apply now!

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