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Lean Startup for Agencies Workshop

Mittwoch 02.04.2014 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr - 8 Stunden


Worum geht’s?

Because of the unique combination of his extensive experience working for and with agencies for over 15 years and startups, Vidar has been approached by many of his colleagues in the industry asking what this whole new Lean Startup buzz is all about:
What do the Lean Startup methodologies mean for the business? How and what new services can you sell to new and existing customers? How do you structure projects, quotes and pricing in more lean and agile ways? How can you validate what to build - or not - without first actually building it, saving time and profitability?

Warum sollte ich teilnehmen?

Most agencies would like to add a product-based revenue source to their existing business model of exchanging hours for money. And a lot of agencies already have a bunch of truly great projects and ideas laying around on their desks - but they rarely ever have the time to get them started and off the ground because of either constraints in resources or hesitancy often due to the lack of experience in building and taking products to market that can survive on their own out there. So how will the Lean Startup methodologies enable you to find and validate the next big product within your company using your existing talent and resources? How can you realize some of your product potential? He will help you find an answer to that question during this workshop. The workshop is divided into two parts: Theory and practice - with lunch in between. You can expect to be brought up to speed about the lean methodologies and best practices and then to put them into practice on either your own existing product idea or one we will create during the workshop.  

Über den Referenten







Vidar Andersen


Vidar Andersen is a Norwegian entrepreneur and Internet industry veteran with over 18 years of professional experience working exclusively with F500 corporations and GOs, currently living in Cologne, Germany. His work has been featured & recognized by The New York Times, The BBC, Business Insider, CNN, TechCrunch, Netzwertig, TechHustlers, TechCocktail, DViCE, BasicThinking, MLOVE, ZDF, UP Global, Global Week of Entrepreneurship, C'n'B, The European Pirate Summit, LeWeb Paris, London Web Summit, TechCocktail SxSW, Startup Weekend, Nordic Startup Awards, Maastricht Week of Entrepreneurship, StartupBus Europe, Monaco Media Forum, Deusto Business School University of Deusto & more. He founds tech startups to solve problems, consult F100 enterprises on Corporate Entrepreneurship - Growth & Innovation, lectures on startup entrepreneurship at universities, keynotes entrepreneurial events globally and volunteers for the local Cologne startup ecosystem as founder of the Hacker News Cologne Meetup, a Startup Weekend Cologne organizer, a global Startup Weekend Facilitator and as an instructor at NEXT Cologne.


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