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Ash Maurya - Running Lean Workshop

04.12.2013 00:00 - 05.12.2013 23:59



In this hands-on workshop, you´ll learn how to systematically turn your idea into a repeatable and scalable business

Target group

This lean workshop is designed for Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, and other Visionaries charged with bringing bold new ideas to life.

Content of the Workshop

In this 2-day hands-on workshop, you'll learn a systematic methodology, developed through rigorous testing of Lean Startup, Customer Development, and Bootstrapping techniques on hundreds of products, that will show you exactly how to build what people want. The workshop is run over 2 full days of lectures, interactive Q&A, and hands-on practice on your own product.

DAY 1 - Business Model Creation

The first day is themed around Business Model Creation or Documenting Your Plan A. The day starts with a general overview of the methodology and then we get to work on defining your true product - your business model. By the end of the first day, you'll learn how to effectively capture, refine, and pitch your core business model to internal and external stakeholders. 9:00 - 10:00  Running Lean Overview
  • Understand why building new products is hard
  • Overview of the 3 meta-principles for Running Lean
10:00 - 10:30  Short Case-study
  • Real-world example to illustrate core principles
  • How to apply core principles to any kind of product
[Coffee Break] 11:00 - 12:30  Document Your Plan A
  • Learn how to capture your business model on a single page
  • Understand the top 3 universal risks all products face
[Catered Lunch] 13:30 - 15:00  Bulletproof Your Business Model
  • Avoid top 10 pitfalls entrepreneurs make
  • Identify top risks specific to your business model
[Coffee Break] 15:30 - 17:00  Pitching Your Business Model
  • Learn how to share your model with team members, advisors, and investors.
  • Pitch your model for learning.

DAY 2 - Business Model Validation

The second day is themed around Business Model Validation or Systematically Testing Your Plan A. Business Model Validation is much greater than Business Model Creation and this is where you'll learn actionable techniques for distilling and stress testing your business model down to testable assumptions or hypotheses. By the end of the day, you'll learn how to define your success metrics and craft effective experiments that maximize for breakthrough learning. 9:00 - 10:00  The Art of The Scientist Overview
  • You'll learn the #1 most important thing scientists do. Hint: It isn't running experiments. That's #2.
10:00 - 11:00  Model Your Business Model as a System
  • What is a system and how does it help with business models?
  • Learn how to model your success metrics.
[Coffee Break] 11:30 - 12:30  Run Experiments Like a Scientist
  • Learn how to craft effective experiments that maximize for speed, learning, and focus.
  • Track and communicate your progress using the Lean Stack innovation accounting tool.
[Catered Lunch] 13:30 - 15:00  Applied Systems Thinking
  • Introduction to constraints thinking.
  • Learn how to prioritize and break constraints in your model.
[Coffee Break] 15:30 - 17:00  Building Features People Want
  • What happens beyond your Minimum Viable Product (release 1.0)?
  • How to build continuous feedback loops with customers.

Workshop Bonus Items

Workshop attendees additionally get $992 worth of bonus items:
  • A copy of my book Running Lean ($25)
  • A copy of my next book: The Customer Factory ($30).
  • 3 months access to LeanStack innovation accounting tool ($87).
  • 3 months access to USERcycle actionable metrics tool ($600).
  • 30 min follow-up call with Ash Maurya ($250).

About the speaker


Ash Maurya


Hi - I am the founder of Spark59, author of the international best-selling book Running Lean, and creator of Lean Canvas. I have spent the last four years teaching and refining this methodology through numerous workshops and bootcamps around the world in Austin, Barcelona, Boston, London, Dublin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Santiago, Toronto, Tokyo, Halifax, Prague, Montreal, Vancouver, Rio de Janiero, and Sao Paulo. I have worked with companies ranging from 1 person startups to large enterprises such as Intel, Dell, NPR, Amazon, and taught at a number of universities including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, and UT Austin.   Registration via eventbrite.

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