Wir sind der STARTPLATZ für deine Gründeridee.

Startup Weekend EDU Cologne 2015

20.03.2015 18:30 - 22.03.2015 21:00



Have you ever had an idea for improving education? Here’s your opportunity to transform your education ideas into action in 54 hours.
Find the right people with complementary skills & the passion to build an education product in one weekend. Design for learning, conduct user tests, receive coaching from experienced education designers & industry professionals and win prizes that will help take your idea to the next level! Friday night: 60-second pitches that result in the formation of small teams around the best, most viable education concepts.  Educators validate ideas, then all attendees vote.  We hope you’ll pitch, but definitely not required! Saturday and Sunday: Work days! Teams focus on user research, customer development, validating their ideas and building prototypes with the help of experienced coaches from the education and entrepreneurial world.  You’re welcome to stay and work as long as the venue will allow! Sunday evening: Teams demo their education products and receive valuable feedback from a panel of expert judges.  Winning teams take home a grab bag of great tools to help launch their company!
The Winning Team will receive a STARTPLATZ scholarship for 3 months! All of the pitches on Friday and companies demoed on Sunday will be educator approved and designed to solve problems in the education space, broadly defined (not restricted to K-12 or other “formal” education).
Find more information about the Startup Weekend here. We hope you join us!

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